This is the second lesson on conditionals. There is a review and expansion on present factual conditionals, and then we
Author: admin

This is the first of several lessons on conditionals. In this grammar lesson we begin with factual conditionals in the

FREE online grammar lesson with a native speaker. Topic of Lesson 1: preferences. Level: Intermediate to Advanced. Learn grammar with

Do American children still learn handwriting in school? In this age of the keyboard, some people seem to think handwriting

Learning English — Lesson Sixteen ( Technology ) In this english lesson we look at Technology and its effect on

Lesson 4b – WISH and HOPE – Common Mistakes in English. This is the second part of our common mistekes

Lesson 4a – WISH and HOPE – Common Mistakes in English. This is a lesson on WISH and HOPE in

English Lesson 3c – Requests – Common Mistakes in English This is the third and final part of Common Mistakes