Topic: /l/ in the middle position. Level: All levels, though some vocabulary in the explanations and exercises will challenge beginners.
Author: admin

This is a continuation of Lesson 4a. Topic: /l/ in the initial position. Level: All levels, though some vocabulary in
Today, we share a free sample lesson of Effortless English. This lesson comes from 3. level of Effortless English. You

The teacher introduces us to three idioms connected with arms. English Idioms: Up in arms: Rising up in anger; very

The teacher introduces us to three idioms connected with eyes. English Idioms: To keep an eye on: have an eye

English Idioms: itchy feet:having feet that itch; restless, having the desire to wander. I’ve got itchy feet Cold feet: To

In this lesson we look at irony and ironic situations. We also look at coincidence.

In this lesson we look at ways to say sorry. You apologise to someone. You offer your apology. You regret