In this lesson we are going to practice English speaking with the listen and answer method. Now watch below video and you will listen to some sentences. Then we will ask you many questions about the sentences. You must answer every questions outloud.
If you need more time, you can use the pause button and answer the questions then play the lesson again. You can answer with just one word or two words. It’s okay. Or you can answer with the full sentences. After each questions you will hear the correct answer. So if you can’t say the answer at your firt attempt. Just listen to the full lesson. And try to speak at your other tries. Let’s get started.
Practice English Speaking With The Listen & Answer Method

Click this link to view more details: English Easy Practice Course Review
Do you want to improve English speaking? Well English Easy Practice course will help you. Just listen to our interactive stories and answer the easy questions outloud. So you will improve your listening and speaking skills fast.
Textbooks are boring and you can not speak English fluently by reading textbooks. Then how to learn English fast? You must listen to easy and interesting materials repeatedly. Now you can practice English speaking by listening the easy stories.
In this video you can try the best English course to boost your speaking skills. Now please watch this video everyday for 4-5 days at least. Try to say the answers to each questions. Every time you listen the lessons try to shout the answer faster and confidently. So you will improve English quickly.
Download More Lessons To Practice
If you like our lessons, go to our website and get the full course to download the all lessons into your computer. You can also transfer the lessons into your phone or mp3 player and practice listening and speaking every time and everywhere.
English easy рrасtісе guarantees thаt, іf you don’t ѕреаk bеttеr Englіѕh after using thе lеѕѕоnѕ fоr 60 dауѕ, you will gеt 100% оf уоur mоnеу bасk. I саn comfortably say I am уеt tо see аn Englіѕh соurѕе that tеасhеѕ you English fаѕtеr аnd соnсluѕіvеlу.
Now click here to get the course for $39 Now
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