The Flatmates Series English video lesson 24 from BBC Learning English. In this lesson, Tim’s boss promises him a promotion
Tag: BBC Learning English

The Flatmates Video Lesson 23 from BBC Learning English. The Flatmates are celebrating New Year. They all make resolutions. Find

BBC Learning English The Flatmates episode 20 Helen and Michal take a walk by the river but the romantic atmosphere

The Flatmates episode 12, from BBC Learning English. Michal and Alice are chatting about the film they’ve just seen. Did

English Idioms: itchy feet:having feet that itch; restless, having the desire to wander. I’ve got itchy feet Cold feet: To

Catch up with this week’s episode about the rent – and practise your English listening and reading skills with The

Tim introduces the other Flatmates to a traditional English breakfast but not everyone’s keen to try his cooking.

Helen is in the flat studying when she gets a phone call from her mum.